Medical Funding

Valtera Capital offers medical funding solutions for healthcare providers, covering costs for medical procedures, surgeries, consultations, diagnostic testing and more. We work with surgery centers, hospitals and doctors on lien, helping to navigate and streamline the financial complexities associated with personal injury litigation. Our medical funding solutions help uninsured and underinsured personal injury plaintiffs pay for the quality medical care they may require due to injuries sustained at no fault of their own.


Plaintiff Funding

Valtera Capital’s legal funding allows lawsuit plaintiffs to pay expenses, bills, manage cash flow, secure medical care and surgical financing, all while awaiting the settlement of their claims. Valtera Capital offers a personal touch and takes a unique approach to the funding process, offering a quick and simple funding solution.


No Risk Advance

If you lose your case, you dont owe anything back. The non-recourse nature of the pre-settlement advance means that the plaintiff doesn’t have to pay us back if he or she loses the case. This makes Valtera Capital’s Legal Funding services completely risk-free.


We specialize in helping personal injury victims get the care they deserve.

Medical funding is most often necessary when patients/plaintiffs involved in an accident and injury are unable to wait for their case to settle in court to receive the medical care they need.